Saturday, October 2, 2010

That picture of Mario in the trailer...

In Episode 3, Mario says "You remember that movie preview teaser thing they did? There's a picture of me with those guys in it. You can see it in that bunch of quick clips where it goes DUMM dumm dum dum DUM duhdum duhdum! Look frame by frame and you will see me!"

The trailer video he refers to is this one: And indeed, if you comb through the trailer video very carefully (it's hard to do on YouTube — try downloading the video first), you will find this picture of Mario and Mulligan:

Mario is looking kind of scruffy. I'll bet Fafa took the photo. The others were too busy taking the gold. Mulligan tweeted: "@diszaster Fafa be the nicest groundhogs ever. He lemme listen ta' Mario's twister sister tape while me crew was robbin' him. #welostourgold"

So the pirates did steal the money from Glove and Boots. Which we already knew...

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